輸入盤ブルーレイですが日本のブルーレイ・プレイヤーで視聴できます。※ご確認ください※一部輸入版アニメブルーレイには、「リージョンコード」とは別の「国コード」というものが設定されている作品がございます。お持ちのブルーレイ・プレイヤーが国コードをアメリカ等に変更できるかどうかご確認ください。(機種によりましては変更できない機種がございます。その場合はご視聴できない可能性がございますのでご注意ください。)国コードをアメリカ(日本以外)に設定してご覧ください。PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:Classical Artists発売日:2023/3/24ディスク枚数:1コメント:Umberto Giordanos opera Siberia with its libretto by Puccinis successful librettist Luigi Illica (La boheme, Tosca) premiered in 1903 at La Scala as a replacement of Puccinis Madama Butterfly, which was not finished at the time. Madama Butterfly came out in Milan shortly after Siberia and flopped completely. Umberto Giordano, however, briefly became a public favorite. Shortly after successful re-runs on important theatres, including Buenos Aires, New York and Sao Paulo, Siberia could not maintain its position in repertoire although Gabriel Faure designated the second act as "one of the most remarkable and captivating that modern dramatic music can offer." This opera rarity performed at Bregenz Festival "is musical narrative theatre in perfection" (Suddeutsche Zeitung) in which "Uryupin leads the agile Wiener Symphoniker through the score with a sense for delicately tinted colours. Ambur Braid sings the challenging part of Stephanas with bravour" (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).